Start your own sustainable place in Brussels


You want to take part in the renaissance of Brussels as a sustainable, circular and vibrant city? This is for you.

We believe Brussels can be a 15-minute city. A place where you can find everything you need to have a joyful and sustainable lifestyle in a 15-minute radius (walk or bike).

But to make that happen, we need new places, new businesses and more art.

We could either go each on our own, or we could do this together.

That’s why we are creating the Citizen Spring Academy, an incubator of sustainable places in Brussels.

Pitch us your idea and if you are selected we will invite you to take part in our program starting March 21st. We will give you €5.000 to get things started and after 3 months (June 21st), we will organise a “demo day” to help you find more funding.

(to stay in the loop!)

(Applications are now closed)