
  • The Imagine Brussels Call is open to anyone who feels creative.

  • The art piece can take any form: it can be digital art, a painting, a drawing, a maquette, a collage, absolutely anything. If you use AI to create your art, tell us which tool you used

  • The art piece needs to be a cross-pollination between an inspiring place in the world and Brussels. The places you reimagine need to be localised on a map.

  • You can submit up to 3 different art pieces. Each art piece must have its own NFT on (don’t know how to do that, worry not, we are here to help you). Reach out. If you are curious what that looks like, check all the artpieces of last years edition here:

  • File types supported for upload: JPG, PNG, GIF, SVG, MP4, WEBM, MP3, WAV, OGG, GLB, GLTF. Max size: 100 MB. You upload your artpiece in this drive by 7th of June midnight

  • You are the sole owner of the NFT until you accept an offer from someone to buy your piece.

  • Your art piece is open source. Anyone can use it with proper attribution.

Did we forget something? Check the FAQ or reach out:


Call to creative citizens and artists to make sketches, drawings, videos, collages, animations to re-imagine the city of Brussels. All works will be exhibited in the week of July 8th 2024.

All contributors will be rewarded for their creative artwork with 'quadratic funding'. Visitors of the exhibition will get the chance to vote for their favourite pieces by making very small donations to as many works as they want, using the on chain version of the local currency of Brussels. These donation and votes will be matched by a common pool of funds raised by the partners.

Topic of 2024 - Imagine cities

In July 2024, Brussels, the vibrant capital of Europe known for its diversity and cultural fusion, will host the annual Ethereum community conference ( With a rich history stretching back 10 centuries, Brussels has served as a melting pot of cultures and ideas, making it an ideal setting for this gathering. A true hub for international interaction, this city has long embraced visitors and new inhabitants from around the globe.

At the heart of this call for imagination is the belief that innovation thrives when diverse communities intersect and start imagining together. Through art and an open-minded approach, this invitation to creative citizens and exhibition of artwork aims to facilitate meaningful encounters and spark curiosity and inspiration among participants and visitors.

Can we imagine together to give Brussels a creative boost through cross-fertilization between cities? Can you envision what your favorite urban spaces (old or experimental) from your home city or elsewhere in the world would look like in Brussels? For example, what is your favourite urban area or regenerative project in San Francisco that you could reimagine for Brussels? Do you know of examples of tiny forests in Stockholm that would look great in the streets of the European Capital? Vibrant and green public spaces in Amsterdam? Beaches run as commons in Los Angeles? Local school buildings used as a neighborhood marketplaces in Rome? Food hubs with locally produced food in Thailand? Community gardens, green buildings and food farms in the city? Visualise your dreams to inspire others! What else is possible

#solarpunk #imagination #glocal #localmeetsglobal #digitalmeetsphysical #cities

Goal of this contest

  1. Rekindle imagination and collective dreaming about cities
  2. Give artist/citizens the opportunity to learn about a new decentralized and new ways to support art/creativity using NFT's and quadratic funding


Deadline to contribute with an artpiece is June 7th 2024. Read more on how to participate here.